Ready or not, the next generation...
here they come.

Will they be ready?


Dollars and $ense for Kids



         Financial education in Kentucky schools shouldn't be an option for a few students, it should be a requirement that every student receive this critical education.  And financial education shouldn't begin at the high school senior level, it should be integrated into teaching throughout a student's school years, from kindergarten forward. 

The need is urgent...

Only 49.7 percent of U.S. adults can define a "budget deficit."

9 million households have neither a checking nor a savings account.

29 percent of Americans have no saving at all.             


Education is the key! 

Make sure your voice is heard!
Become an advocate for financial education.

  • Convince your superintendent and principal to incorporate financial education in the curriculum.

  • Let your teachers know that there are standards-aligned lesson plans they can use.

  • Share the importance of financial education with your PTA and other parent advocates.

KCEE is focused on this needed education: 

  • At the 4th annual Life Fundamental$ Summit, 126 teachers from 56 school districts attended financial and economic education sessions and received classroom resources and lessons.  The knowledge and resources these teachers took back to the classroom will impact over 20,000 Kentucky students. The multiplier effect at work!

  • Each of our six university-based Centers reach hundreds of teachers each year through graduate courses, professional development training, student programs, and by providing classroom resources.

  • Over 7,500 students from schools across the Commonwealth learn investment education by taking part in the Stock Market Game™ or Take Stock in Kentucky each year.

  • KCEE provides curriculums and classroom programs for students, from Pre-K through college so that they can learn throughout their school years to become effective and successful workers, voters, leaders, and entrepreneurs.  Your support is greatly needed to make this happen!  Please invest in the financial education of today's youth!