CitiLife: Money, Markets, and Moguls
a KCEE elementary school program that teaches
basic economic and financial concepts.



Money, Markets and Moguls

How can Play-doh help teach economics?

Play-doh is being used for more than playing.  The Kentucky Council on Economic
Education has designed a classroom program delivered by teams of Citi L.I.F.E. (Leaders in Financial Education) volunteers that engages student learning with
Play-doh.  The program is offered to schools that are serving low income families. 
This school year, the program titled “Money, Markets and Moguls” will be presented
to 50 classrooms  in metro Louisville, Somerset, and northern Kentucky. 

During the program, Citi L.I.F.E. volunteers help fifth grade students learn valuable
economic lessons regarding spending, saving, and the importance of philanthropy as well as concepts of productivity, entrepreneurship and markets.  The volunteers work with the children to produce and assemble  Play-doh “Wooly Mammoth Burgers.”  After one round of this the teams earn “flinks” for their work. Then they are taught that if they invest some of their profits back into their business, they can make better quality and higher quantity “burgers” using capital resources like rulers and cookie cutters.  In
another activity, they learn about saving and giving back to the community as they are asked to contribute their hard-earned “flinks” instead of buying rulers, pencils, etc. 
Students leave with a better understanding of basic economics, money management and entrepreneurship through these engaging activities.  Since 2006, the Citi program has been offered to 10,000 students in 300 classrooms.