Stock Market Game
Teacher Resources

Stock Market Videos How the Stock Market Works for Dummies - cartoon

Bull Market Vs. Bear Market, by Motley Fool

Shorting Stocks (short selling) - by KhanAcademy

Investing 101 Powerpoint
Investing101 html
PowerPoint that covers the basic terms about investing and the stock market to use with your students.. (Download the file to your computer so you can modify and get the teacher notes!)
Investing 101 Professional Development Learn a little about investing on your own!  (note: discussion links are not working and PD credit is not currently offered)
SMG Rules of the Game Rules of the Stock Market Game including Kentucky diversification rule.
Quick Overview of Rules and Awards
Take Stock in Kentucky Learn about our Take Stock in Kentucky -and specific rules.
Websites for Research A listing of first-rate websites for researching stock market data or looking for information about the stocks and stock market.
Maximum Equity Rule More detailed explanation of the Maximum Equity Rule for the Stock Market Game and Take Stock in Kentucky 
Stock Tracking Sheet Students can use this sheet to track their stocks' - research data, purchase data, sale data, and current values.
N.I.E. offers FREE
Courier Journal  E-Edition
This is the full version of the Courier Journal for educators to use in the classroom.  FREE!
Worksheets to use with the newspaper These are worksheets you can use with the newspaper to enhance reading/research skills.
Discussion Starters and Writing Prompts Articles (from the newspaper and/or investment magazines), are posted with discussion starters and writing prompts for you to use with your classes.
InvestWrite Essay Competition Take part in this National student Essay competition. You can submit up to 5 (700 word or less) essays per class.
"You Can Be an SMG Broker" project A project-based learning experience for students to learn about the investment professional's career and to develop a portfolio based on customer's risk, style, and goals
Project PowerPoint              Project Handouts
Pre/Post Tests Sign up for a FREE account for your students to take a pre/post test on Stock Market Game or Take Stock in Kentucky.  Immediate feedback for teacher!
Crosswords for review
Teacher created activities/worksheets on the KCEE E-Learning Center.
SMG Additional Resources The most popular materials available to teachers from the integration of the Stock Market Game into the classroom.
Teaching Kentucky Core Content With SMG Correlation of Stock Market and Game and curricula resources to Math, Economics, Business Education and Practical Living.


 KCEE offers statewide and regional awards for students participating in the Stock Market Game competition.

SMG Certificates

Certificates of Achievement for all participants in Kentucky Stock Market Game (in pdf and PowerPoint formats). Print your own!