Tabernash Weiss

The label reads:

Where the plains meet the Colorado Rockies, a new generation of brewing purists is redefining time-honored European traditions. At Tabernash Brewing company, our deep appreciation of classic technologies is reflected in our passion for brewing. From our use of European malts and hops, to patient cold-cellaring of our lagers and bottle-conditioning of our Weiss, we take no shortcuts in creating classically inspired and authentically crafted beers that will satisfy the most discriminating beer drinker.

We brew Tabernash Weiss (pronounced vice) in the style of Bavaria's fine wheat beers. A unique top-fermenting Bavarian yeast delivers a refreshingly spicy and fruity character with prominent clove, banana and nutmeg accents. Our Weiss is bottle conditioned (a secondary fermentation occurs in the bottle), so a layer of yeast will be evident at the bottom of the bottle. Carefully pour all but two fingers into a tall glass, then vigorously swirl the bottle before pouring the remainder.