The Moerlein's Story
Brewer Christian Moerlein came to
Cincinnati from Germany in 1841 and founded what, by the
turn of the century, grew to be one of the nations
largest breweries. His celebrated beers became synonymous
with excellence in the art of brewing. In true Moerlein
tradition we brew Moerlein's Cincinnati Select Lager
using only the choicest of malts, yeast, and water.
Nothing else, no preservatives or additives. In fact, in
1983 Moerlein's Cincinnati Select became the first
American beer to meet the strict standards of Germany's
purity law, "Reinheitsgebot." I personally guarantee just one taste of Moerlein's Select Lager and you will discover a beer of exceptional character and quality. Notice the creamy head. The deep color. The malty bouquet. By the end of the glass you will have found a beer Christian Moerlein would have been proud to call his own. Enjoy, Gerhard H. Erfenbeck Brewmaster |