Restoration of degraded aquatic and terrestrial systems including wetlands, streams, upland woods, and prairies is an integral service that Redwing provides to its clients. These services are performed in support of development, mining, transportation, and utility projects in the midwest and western U.S.
These services, performed under a variety of regulatory and environmental conditions, provide both mitigation for resource impacts and restoration of ecological integrity to the project area. The following projects provide a summary of Redwing's restoration efforts; however, additional projects involving stream and wetland restoration are found under the pages describing those respective service areas. |
While active, this facility mined and processed lead ore, which resulted in significant amounts of tailings, which were pumped as slurry to a large, approximately 300-acre impoundment. Redwing was contracted to assist in the establishment of vegetation across the tailings in an effort to minimize/eliminate erosion and stabilize the site per the state mine closure requirements. Services provided for this project include coordination with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources - Land Reclamation Program, preparation of a vegetative monitoring workplan, vegetative monitoring throughout the reclamation area, oversight of reclamation activities, and preparation of annual reports documenting the success of the vegetation establishment. This project also included surveys of macroinvertebrate and fish populations downstream of the tailings area and preparation of the Revised Metallic Minerals Permit for the site.
Redwing principals have been involved with more than 50 wetland mitigation projects over the past ten years. These projects have included: coordination of permitting with federal, state, and local agencies; design of projects ranging from less than one acre to over 300 acres; oversight of mitigation implementation/construction; and monitoring. These projects have involved the restoration, creation, enhancement, and preservation of wetland and stream habitats.
Redwing was contracted to assist in the reclamation of this former open-pit nickel mine. Prior to reclamation, the approximately 50-acre mine site included overburden disposal areas, highwalls, uncontrolled surface flows, natural springs, and limited vegetation. Redwing was contracted to prepare a natural areas design and planting plans including the creation of sustainable stream channels, wetlands, upland forests, and wooded riparian habitats. To complete these tasks, Redwing prepared the necessary landscape, wetland and stream plans, provided oversight of restoration activities, and monitored the stability and success of the project. This project has been successfully completed, received sign-off from the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, and was given the Restoration Project of the Year Award in 2003 by the Northwest Mining Association.