Acadia - Campobello - August 2001


Acadia National Park, Maine.


Sand Beach at Acadia Park.


Thunder Hole at Acadia.


Jordan Pond at Acadia.


Bar Harbor, Maine.

 Bah  Hahbah (local pronounciation)



 Lubec, Maine from
 Campobello Island, New Brunswick.

Easternmost point in the U.S.


FDR summer cottage on 
Campobello Island.


 Campobello - Deer Island Ferry.

Departure Lounge.


Evening on the Bay of Fundy
 near Pocologan, NB.

Clipper Shipp Motel


Lancaster Ski Club
 (New Brunswick branch)
Corn Roast on that deck.

Thanks for the cellphone call folks!


Nat Hager III - 2001 August 25