Mannswörth, Austria to Prague - 2014


Mannswörth, Austria.

5 km NW of Vienna airport.

Overnight from Newark (USA). After nap.


Das Reinisch Hotel.


Pretty little church.


Next day.

Joined up with others, enroute to Prague.

Wind turbines of northern Austria.


Nearing Czech border on way to Prague.


Mukulov, CZ in distance.


Not even a customs check now.

Quite different from the 80s!


Mukulov, CZ

Arriving Hotel Černý-Slon in Prague.

In the shadow of the Old Town Square.

Hotel Černý-Slon.

In Czech it means "Black Elephant".

Hotel Černý-Slon.


The Old Town Square in Prague.


Astronomical Clock in the Old Town Square.
Dinner and some good Czech beer
in the Old Town Square.

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Nat Hager III  -  2014 Jun 1