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Search Engine Ranking Tips: 

This information can not be verified as search engines keep their searching techniques private.  However, it is the best information we have available from our current research.  Please use it as a guide only:

Top 4 Facts

  1. What you put on your page is the most important factor in ranking.  You need to keep it fresh to give your visitors a reason to return.  Traffic breads more traffic. Ezines can create traffic.
  2. Do not try and trick the search engines.  They are constantly changing their search techniques and are "probably" smarter than you.  Hidden text, repeating words many times, re-directing pages, and other tricks that used to work will now get your site banned.
  3. Domain Names are worth the $70 cost.  Try and secure domains that duplicate keywords for your company or industry. 

    Here is where I have been purchasing domain names at wholesale prices.  Save yourself at least 50%! You don't have to pay $35/year.

  4. You will never be listed #1 in every search engine for every key word.  Your goal should be "Top 20" when searching for "key word phrases" that relate to your product, service, company or industry.  

How Do We Start?


Choose 3-10 keywords that reflect your site. (You can select different words for different pages.)


The key search tag of your site.  Key is to use key words or phrases


A 25 word story to "sell" your site.   Correct grammar, avoid simply repetition of key words, it is a main contact point that can influence someone to actually click on the search engine results.  pr

<comment tags>

Since search engines read the html of your site, adding comment tags using key words can influence a "spider's results."

<alt tag>

Similar to a comment tag, an alt tag can describe a graphic to a search engine.  From the visitor's point of view, it will also title a graphic or picture that is slow to load.


Your use of language will leave your visitor with an impression of your company.  Keep it clean, check spelling and punctuation, use white space with short sentences and consider bullets, lists, and outlines for easy reading.

Consider 500 to 1,000 words per page.  Search engines seem to prefer a "keyword density" of 15% or less, and that will allow you to place various versions of your keywords within the text without spamming them.

Since various search engines do not use META tags it is important to spread your keywords throughout the page.  The beginning and end of each paragraph are key locations for developing a page "theme" that can actually be recognized by the engines.


Search engines rank pages that are "popular."  Try and have 3-6 links on each page.  The spiders will "travel" back and forth creating a better ranking for your overall site.

Note:  Remember to name each page using a keyword.  When the search engine visits your page, each link will reinforce your keywords and page "theme."

<gateway or doorway pages>

By definition, these are pages creating with an emphasis on different keywords, themes, or set up for different search engines.   Since they are live on the web, make them interesting with a graphic or two, good text, and obviously link them to your main site. (Although in a large site, they may actually link to a sub-section or area of your site.)

To idea is by submitting additional pages with different keywords, they will get ranked and drive traffic to your main site when they are viewed in the search engine results.  pa alist.htm

<Search Engine Submission>

Direct submission to each search engine is always the best!  While there are hundreds of engines, the majority of traffic will come from a very short list:

AltaVista, Excite, AOL, Lycos, Webcrawler, NothernLight, HotBot, Infoseek (Go Network), and Yahoo   List of submission pages

FREE ebook Download:  Ezines will drive traffic back to your website.  Most website owners do not know how to start the process. Michael Southon's information will show you the why, how, and suggest publication sites.

"Hidden from view, beneath the surface of the Internet is an enormous river - it's made up of over 300,000 Ezines that are published every month. That subterranean river generates enormous traffic.  I was so impressed with the traffic and sales I got from my Articles, that I decided to write a book about this promotion technique."

Michael Southon,
Author of Ezine Writer!

I-Net Marketing Note:  This FREE download is from our site so you do not have to go to the Ezine Writer site if you don't want to!

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