<Search Engines> Information

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Key Search Engine Information: 

This information can not be verified as search engines keep their searching techniques private.  However, it is the best information we have available from our current research.

Please use it as a guide only:

  Alta Vista Excite InfoSeek HotBot Lycos Webcrawler
Submit Each Page Option No, but helps Yes No Option No
Supports META Tags Yes No Yes Yes No No
"Crawl Site" Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Keyword "Weight" Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes, First 270 Characters Yes
Title Tag Important Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Key Words in Title Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Max. Title META Tag 1,024 ? 70-75 ? ? ?
Max. Keyword META Tag ? ? 1,000 ? ? ?

Top 4 Facts

What you put on your page is the most important factor in ranking.  You need to keep it fresh to give your visitors a reason to return.  Traffic breads more traffic. Ezines can create traffic.

Do not try and trick the search engines.  They are constantly changing their search techniques and are "probably" smarter than you.  Hidden text, repeating words many times, re-directing pages, and other tricks that used to work will now get your site banned.

Domain Names are worth the $35 cost.  Try and secure domains that duplicate keywords for your company or industry. 

Special Link:
I'll give you my
$8.95 wholesale cost.  Log in with your e-mail to verify you are linking from my site:

You don't have to pay $35/year.

You will never be listed #1 in every search engine for every key word.  Your goal should be "Top 20" when searching for "key word phrases" that relate to your product, service, company or industry.  




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