By Terry Lutz
Advising and registration for the spring term is upon us. We will once again be using the new online appointment scheduling system that was put in place last semester. I will be advising only on the days specified on the appointment calendar so pay close attention to the dates. As many of you have discovered, you had best register early if you don't want to stand in lines for advising later OR if you don't want to miss out on a class altogether. As you know, classes have been cancelled even when there are 7 or 8 students in the class with the potential for more enrolling students to sign up. Nothing I can do about that.
To sign up for an appointment, all you have to do is just go to the "faculty" page on this website and click on the "Schedule an Appointment" link under my name and information. Fill in the information needed and book your appointment. That's it. Then just show up at the appointed time.
When you sign up for an appointment, you will receive a confirmation email for your scheduled time. Please show up at least 15 minutes early. If I finish early with the student ahead of you and you are not there but the next person is, I will take the next person ahead of you.
There's another process that will continue for spring registration and into the future. I will be advising only. I will not be registering you for any of your classes. This procedure does not diminish the advising process. I provide advising to make sure you are taking the courses you need to be taking each semester so you can graduate on time. If you choose not to use this advising time it may be to your peril. I have never had anyone not graduate on time who met with me on a regular basis to make sure their schedule is correct.
This is important for you to know before you get to the advising session. In order to make the advising sessions go faster, I expect you all to have checked the schedule before you come to the advising session. Write down the classes that you think you are supposed to take. You should use the Academic Program Plan that I printed out for you the last time you were in my office for advising. I will then verify the classes as the ones you need. Then you can go to any of our computer labs and register for your classes in your PeopleSoft account. There are a couple of classes that you will not be able to register for. You will simply come back to me for those classes and I will register you for those.
If you are a first time student who has not been advised by me we will make a new Academic Program Plan for you when you come.
See you during advising.
By Terry Lutz
"Three Women, One Show" is going on now at the Wayside Expression Gallery (that's the hotel across from JCTC on Broadway).
Two of the women showing are our own Fran Troje and Amanda Nichols. Fran will be showing 17 photographs along with painter, Amanda Nichols. The third artist, Leslie Doyle, an instructor from IUS will also be showing photographs.
Fran had a solo show there last December and the gallery director, Elmer Lucille invited her back to show again this year. Fran invited the two other women taking part in the show.
How did Fran get involved with the gallery to get a show? "I just mustered up the guts and went and asked to show," she said.
And now she has her second show. And that's how you do it folks. Get out there and knock on doors.
Both Fran and Amanda are majoring in the CAT program. Congratulations to both of our outstanding students.
The show will run from October 3rd-November 4th.
Please come out and show your support for our great students.
Gallery will be open Monday through Friday
11 AM to 1:30 PM or by appointment.
This Event is Free and Open to the Public.
All the resources you need during your tenure here in the CAT program at JCTC are literally at your fingertips with the CAT website. Let us know if you have any suggestions for improvement. The site is for you. Use it.
Don't forget to check our calendar often for upcoming events. Just click on the "cat news" page to view the calendar.