Redwing provides its clients with a variety of services under the broad category of aquatic ecology, including aquatic habitat assessment, fish and macroinvertebrate surveys, and water quality monitoring.
These services help clients identify the quality of aquatic resources on individual sites and effectively address their impact on proposed projects. The following projects provide a synopsis of the typical projects performed by Redwing. Redwing aquatic biologists have a broad background in fish and macroinvertebrate surveys with successful projects completed in Kentucky, Missouri, Alabama, Illinois, Ohio, and Nevada.


For this project Redwing provided aquatic assessment services for the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District Long-term Monitoring Network Project. Fish and macroinvertebrate assemblages were sampled at a total of 28 separate stations throughout nine different watersheds. The assessment spanned a variety of perennial stream systems in both urban and undeveloped watersheds. Services included collection and identification of captured macroinvertebrates and fish, collection of water quality data, assessment of biological indices for both assemblages, compilation of a reference collection for all fish and macroinvertebrate species represented, and preparation of a report summarizing the findings of the assessment.


This project involved the repair of a natural gas transmission line through a stream designated as critical habitat for the federally threatened slackwater darter (Etheostoma boschungi). Redwing assisted the client to complete the proposed project in a timely manner while also ensuring that this particular species was not adversely impacted by the project. To protect this species, fish access to the project area was excluded using a series of nets. Fish within the project area were then captured, identified to species, and released upstream of the project. Once the fish were removed, water flow to the project areas was blocked using a water-filled cofferdam. Services provided for this project included: biological assessments of multiple project sites; permitting through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; formal consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act; fish identification and relocation; and construction oversight.


This Redwing project includes ongoing aquatic assessment services within the Fleming Creek watershed as part of the Fleming Creek Clean Water Action Plan. Water quality, discharge, and macroinvertebrate sampling is performed at 30 separate locations throughout the watershed to assist the Fleming County Conservation District and the Kentucky Division of Water in assessing non-point source water pollution associated with this rural watershed. Services provided for this project include: annual sampling and identification of macroinvertebrates within the prescribed sampling period at each station; monthly collection of streamflow data and water quality samples; analysis of macroinvertebrate and water quality data; and preparation of an annual report summarizing the findings of the assessments.