families Life Fundamental$ Seminars
offered by the Kentucky Council on Economic Education

KCEE Seminars
and Resources

Identity Theft
Be An Investor

Take The Financial Literacy Quiz!

Budgeting to Make Ends Meet

Norton Participants:
Take the
Budgeting Survey (select this link)
and be entered into drawing for
$50 gift card!

Budgeting to Make Ends Meet is an interactive 2 to 4-hour hands-on seminar that focuses on budgeting to create savings.

  •  Understand the need for budgeting

  • Track and manage spending

  • Identify ways to control and cut back spending

  • Build savings into a budget- “Pay Yourself First”

  • Examine our need to “keep up with the Joneses”

  • Create a workable budget

  • Compare our budgets to national averages

  • Evaluate budgeting tools

  • Discuss what to do when we can’t “make ends meet”

Resources on Budgeting

75 Painless Money-Saving Tips  

Coupons online http://www.couponmom.com/

100 Great Tips for Saving Money

Bank on It - Try this simulation to better evaluate your spending habits and to try a budget



The Kentucky Council on Economic Education can help you meet your needs in providing financial education to your employees or group. Contact KCEE today!