Redwing's principals, Ms. Kiersten Fuchs, Mr. Ron Thomas, Ms. Shelia Broughton, and Mr. Richard Clausen have more than 60 years combined experience in the ecological resources and environmental consulting field. Their diverse staff has expertise in all major ecological resource arenas and experience throughout the U.S.
Kiersten Fuchs: Ms. Fuchs is a wildlife biologist with 13 years experience in ecological resource assessment and management throughout the midwest, northeast, and southeast U.S. Ms. Fuchs' areas of expertise include: stream assessment and natural channel design; ecological community evaluation and habitat classification; protected species surveys; wetland delineation, quality assessment, and mitigation; wetland mitigation banking; environmental assessment (EA/EIS) studies; and interpretation of government regulations and policies.
Applicable Training: Applied Fluvial Morphology - Rosgen Level I; River Morphology & Applications - Rosgen Level II; River Assessment & Monitoring - Rosgen Level III; Natural Channel Design & River Restoration - Rosgen Level IV; Beargrass Creek Watershed Council (2005); Planning Committee for Beargrass Creek Roundtable (2005); Soil Bioengineering Workshop for Erosion Control and Stream Management - Kentucky Waterways Alliance; Stream Management and Urbanization Workshop - Kentucky Waterways Alliance; Bat Conservation and Management Workshop - Bat Conservation International, Inc.; Wetland Regulatory Workshop; Project Development and Environmental Documentation - FHWA-HI 93- 038; ORAM Wetland Training - Ohio EPA; HHEI/Biocriteria Training - Ohio EPA; and registered as Professional Wetland Scientist with the Society of Wetland Scientists
Ron Thomas: Mr. Thomas is a certified ecologist with 21 years experience in the ecological resources arena throughout the U.S. Mr. Thomas' areas of expertise include: wetland delineation and quality assessment; wetland mitigation design, implementation and monitoring; threatened/endangered plant surveys; environmental assessment (EA/EIS); development of alternative analyses and comprehensive permitting; and interpretation of government regulation and policies.
Applicable Training: Basic Wetland Delineation - Wetland Training Institute; Advanced Wetlands Continuing Education Course - University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse; Wetland Plant Identification - U. S. Army Corps of Engineers; Running buffalo clover training - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Project Development and Environmental Documentation - FHWA-HI 93-038; Environmental Report Preparation Training - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; Applied Fluvial Geomorphology - Rosgen Level I; Streambank & Channel Stabilization Seminar - USACE Waterway Experimentation Station; Computing Replacement Housing Payments - IRWA Course 504; Soil Bioengineering Workshop for Erosion Control and Stream Management - Kentucky Waterways Alliance; Stream Management & Watershed Urbanization Training - Kentucky Waterways Alliance; ORAM Wetland Training - Ohio EPA; Vegetation Biocriteria Training - Ohio EPA; and is registered as a Certified Ecologist with the Ecological Society of America
Shelia Broughton: Ms. Broughton is a Business Manager with more than 20 years of experience in business administration. Ms. Broughton's areas of expertise include: contract procurement, marketing, human resources, facility management, payroll administration, accounts receivable and accounts payable.
Applicable Training: Human Resources and The Law; Administrators Office Procedures Seminar; Human Resources - Mastering the Hiring Process; Small Business Owners - Greater Louisville Inc./SBA; Tax Law Updates - Greater Louisville Inc.; Evolution of the Closely-Held Business - Greenbaum Doll McDonald, PLLC; Kentuckiana Minority & Women Business Owner - SICC/SBDC; Working for the Government - RGFCC Training Series; NEPA and Transportation Decision Making - FHWA/KYTC3
Richard Clausen: Mr. Clausen is an ecologist with eight years experience in ecological resource assessment throughout the U.S. Mr. Clausen's areas of expertise include: wetland delineation and assessment; wetland mitigation monitoring; natural stream channel assessment and design; ecological community evaluation; aquatic habitat assessment and monitoring; habitat and protected species surveys; and interpretation of government regulations and policies.
Applicable Training: Basic Wetland Delineation - Wetland Training Institute; Applied Fluvial Morphology - Rosgen Level I; River Morphology & Applications - Rosgen Level II; River Assessment & Monitoring - Rosgen Level III; Natural Channel Design & River Restoration - Rosgen Level IV; Streambank & Channel Stabilization Seminar - USACE Waterway Experimentation Station; Soil Bioengineering Workshop for Erosion Control and Stream Management - Kentucky Waterways Alliance; and Environmental Report Preparation Training - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Neil Guthals: Mr. Guthals joined Redwing in 2003. He is an ecologist with a broad background in terrestrial and wetland ecosystems. He has over five years experience in ecological assessment throughout the midwest and southeast U.S. Mr. Guthals' areas of expertise include terrestrial habitat surveys; wetland delineation; wetland mitigation design, implementation and monitoring; ecological community evaluation and habitat classification; environmental assessment studies; and interpretation of government regulations and policies.
Applicable Training: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Training - Institute for Wetland and Environmental Education and Research; Plant Identification Training - Wetland Training Institute; Bat Conservation and Management Workshop - Bat Conservation International, Inc.; Applied Fluvial Geomorphology - Rosgen Level I; QHEI/Biocriteria Training - Ohio EPA; Planning, Site Selection, and Hydrology Models for Constructed Wetlands - Wetland Training Institute; and registered as Professional Wetland Scientist with the Society of Wetland Scientists
Benjamin Deetsch: Mr. Deetsch joined Redwing in 2004. He is an ecologist with a broad background in terrestrial systems. Mr. Deetsch has cliffline survey and significant rock climbing/rappelling experience in the Daniel Boone National Forest. Mr. Deetsch has project experience in habitat assessment for threatened/endangered species specifically Indiana bat and gray bat, and wetlands/stream assessment. He also has more than six years of land surveying experience.
Applicable Training: Bat Conservation and Management Workshop - Bat Conservation International, Inc.; Wetland Delineation course - Olentangy River Wetland Research; Plant Identification - Wetland Training Institute; Land Surveyor in Training - L.S.I.T.; and Scientific Wildlife Collecting Permit through Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources for federally protected species - bats
Laura Darnell: Ms. Darnell started her career with Redwing in 2000 working as an Assistant Ecologist in the summers while completing a Bachelors Degree in Biology. In 2004, she took a full-time position with Redwing as a Staff Ecologist before starting a Masters Degree program at Washington State University in 2005. Ms. Darnell received a Masters in Environmental Science with an area of specialization in Ecosystem Science and Management and returned to Redwing in 2007 with a broad practical and educational background in flora species identification and habitat assessment. She has strong botany skills and extensive ecological experience in Kentucky. Ms. Darnell's areas of expertise include: flora identification; flora surveys; wetland assessment and monitoring; ecological community evaluation and habitat classification; and protected/endangered species habitat surveys.
Applicable Training: Wetland Plant Identification - USACE sponsored course by Robert H. Mohlenbrock; Wetland Delineation Course - Wetland Training Institute; Invasive Species Conference - University of Kentucky College of Agriculture; Pesticide Applicators License issued by Kentucky Department of Agriculture
Matt Blake: Mr. Blake joined Redwing in 2005. He is an ecologist with a background in wetland restoration, ecological assessment and impact analysis, wetland delineation, and geographic information systems (GIS). He has more than five years of ecological experience, most recently with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Waterways Experiment Station, and previously with the Natural Resource Conservation Service. Mr. Blake's areas of expertise include: wetland assessment and monitoring; ecological community evaluation and habitat classification; protected/endangered species habitat surveys; and GIS.
Applicable Training: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Training - Wetland Training Institute; Federal Wetland/Waters Regulatory Policy - Wetland Training Institute
Bradley Anderson: Mr. Anderson joined Redwing in 2006. He is an Engineer with a background in surface water, ground-water sampling, sediment sampling, soil sampling, risk assessment, surveying and supervision. He has specialization in geographic information systems (GIS) and CADD functions. He provides support in stream assessment and natural channel design; ecological assessment and impact analysis; and wetland delineation and restoration activities. He has ten years of diverse engineering experience in the midwest and southeast U. S.
Applicable Training: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Training - Wetland Training Institute; Fluvial Geomorphology for Engineer - Rosgen Level I Engineering; River Morphology & Applications - Rosgen Level II; River Assessment & Monitoring - Rosgen Level III; and Natural Channel Design & River Restoration - Rosgen Level IV