Redwing provides broad expertise in the fields of stream morphological assessment and relocation to meet a variety of project-specific needs. These services include a complete range of stream restoration services from assessment and permitting to design and monitoring.
Services include biological and morphological assessment of streams; natural channel design; mitigation plan preparation, permitting and agency coordination; construction oversight of channel restoration; and monitoring of project success. Redwing personnel have completed Levels I through IV of Rosgen training as well as Level 2 training for the Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index and Primary Headwater Evaluation Index for the State of Ohio. |
Redwing performed three stream restoration projects along a total of 3,800 linear feet of stream for the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District on the South Fork of Beargrass Creek. All three reaches had highly eroded banks with urban constraints on either side of the South Fork. Services provided for the projects included Level II Rosgen stream assessment, reference reach data collection, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Kentucky Division of Water permitting, and natural channel design. Stream restoration activities of the project included stabilization of stream channels through the creation of bankfull benches to re-establish floodplain areas, use of cross vanes and J-hooks, restoration of a riparian corridor through live staking and native tree planting, and coordination of restoration approval by the regulatory agencies. All three projects have been constructed, and Redwing is conducting the required monitoring activities.
Uncontrolled runoff had deposited two to four feet of sediment along a narrow stream corridor and eliminated the previous channel. Redwing was contracted to resolve an outstanding violation and restore the corridor. This stream restoration project included stream channel assessment, classification and development of a stream mitigation design per Rosgen methodologies. Section 401/404 permitting was conducted through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Kentucky Division of Water and resolution of the Notice of Violation for stream impacts was received from the Kentucky Division of Water. Redwing has overseen the implementation of the restoration plan, which has included the creation of a new channel, placement of natural revetment and grade control structures, installation of erosion control matting, willow staking, and native herbaceous and woody vegetation planting. Annual monitoring was performed for five years and agency sign-off for the project has been received.
This project involved stream assessment and classification, collection of morphological data from reference reaches and natural channel design per Rosgen methodologies for the relocation of a perennial stream in a proposed industrial park. The project included Section 404/401 and floodplain permitting through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Kentucky Division of Water. Biological assessments of macroinvertebrate and fish populations were conducted for three years. Redwing provided oversight during the creation of a new channel, placement of natural revetment and grade control structures and the installation of erosion control matting. Woody vegetation was planted on the streambanks and along the stream to re-establish a riparian corridor. Annual monitoring of the project has been completed and agency approvals obtained.