Redwing provides a full complement of wetland related services, including: delineation; surveying and quality assessment; permitting at the federal, state and local level; and mitigation design, implementation and monitoring.
Redwing's core experience is in the central U.S.; however, successful wetland projects have also been completed from Florida and Georgia to Oregon and Montana. This experience with major wetland types across the U.S. helps provide accurate delineations of wetland boundaries in any setting and in any season. Assessment services typically include delineation and surveying of jurisdictional boundaries as well as evaluations of wetland quality using regional and state-level assessment tools.
Redwing's ability to provide efficient solutions to client's wetland issues is based on strong working relationships with numerous Corps of Engineers districts across the country as well as with various state and local regulatory agencies. Services range from coordination of agency review/approval of delineations, to full scale 404 and 401 permits with federal and state agencies. Permitting often involves close coordination with federal and state wildlife and natural resource agencies as well. Redwing's principals have permitted wetland impacts ranging from less than 0.1 acre to over 180 acres.
Wetland impacts frequently require mitigation to compensate for permanent habitat losses. Redwing provides comprehensive mitigation services including: site selection and design; construction oversight and planting; and detailed monitoring of project success. Successful mitigation projects have been conducted in Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Florida. A wetland mitigation bank has been successfully completed in Kentucky, and Redwing is in the planning stages for a bank in Indiana. |
Redwing provided wetland delineation, permitting and mitigation services for an approximately 200-acre industrial park. Assessment activities included surveying of jurisdictional boundaries and wetland quality assessments, conducting threatened/endangered species surveys and coordination of archaeological surveys of the site. Redwing obtained Section 404 and 401 permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Kentucky Division of Water, respectively. The project resulted in impacts to approximately 26 acres of lower quality wetlands and the permanent preservation of over 90 acres of higher quality forested wetlands on site. Additional mitigation included creation of a five-acre wetland basin on site, restoration of wetlands in a former roadway bisecting the forested wetland complex, and restoration of 88 acres of bottomland hardwood forest on prior converted farmland at an off-site location. The development project and mitigation have been constructed and the required five years of mitigation monitoring have been completed.
Redwing assisted a private client with the site selection, design, permitting, construction oversight, and success monitoring of a 60-acre wetland mitigation bank. The project involved the restoration of bottomland hardwood forest habitat on prior converted farmland. Permitting involved coordination with the Mitigation Bank Review Team consisting of various federal and state resource/regulatory agencies. The site has been successfully constructed and the required monitoring has been completed. The project has received approval from the regulatory agencies and all wetland credits have been sold.
Redwing has provided a full complement of wetland services in support of multiple expansion projects at three solid waste disposal facilities in Wisconsin. Assessment services have ranged from preliminary reconnaissance and jurisdictional boundary delineation/surveying to quality assessment using Wisconsin wetland functional value methodology. Permitting has involved close coordination with both the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - St. Paul District and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Permits have ranged from federal regional and full individual permits to approval under state statutes. All development projects have included detailed needs and alternatives analysis under NR 103. A recent project in Milwaukee County has involved the development of a comprehensive mitigation plan that includes restoration of shallow marsh and wetland meadow habitat, as well as upland forest and native prairie.