Register for Workshops
Stock Market Game
Take Stock in Kentucky
The YOU in Entrepreneurship
Murray Entrepreneurship Fairs
Morehead Entrepreneurship Fairs
Math and Personal Finance
Money, Markets & Moguls
Workplace Financial Literacy
Life Fundamental$ Summit
Invest Yourself!
E-learning Center
Teacher-Recommended Simulations
Ky Teacher Lessons (NEW!)
Online Pre-Post
Parents Corner
Sign up for Newsletter
Bellarmine University
Eastern Kentucky University
Morehead State University
Murray State University
Northern Kentucky University
Western Kentucky University
8th Annual Life
Fundamental$ Financial Literacy Summit
Now offered at
three locations in Kentucky!
Registration is limited! So register early! One day Summits for educators grades 5-12 and community educators are being offered in June in Louisville, Corbin, and Paducah. for more info on Summit 2015.....
PNC Foundation awards grant for SPROUTS University!
KCEE is pleased to announce that a grant of $75,000 has been awarded by the PNC Foundation for SPROUTS University!
SPROUTS University will capitalize on the previous PNC investment of SPROUTS: Preschool Economics Through Dramatic Play curriculum/guides. Building on the popular SPROUTS curriculum, KCEE in collaboration with Bellarmine University will design a unique training program using university students as instructors. The students will present at Head Start facilities, day care centers, and for families using SPROUTS to teach financial literacy concepts through dialogic reading and play. Through this partnership with PNC Foundation preschool agencies will receive training, teacher guides and children's literature books to teach pre-school children basic financial concepts.
Congratulations to our 2014 Outstanding Economic Educator of the Year
Stephen Hall, (Coach Hall as he is known to students and colleagues), is a Business Education teacher at Daviess County High School in Owensboro. Stephen "Barney" Hall incorporates economic and financial literacy education into every aspect of the business classes he teaches, as he believes that a background in economics is needed in order to understand how the world works. He has used the Stock Market Game program for several years, competiting against his own students, and making the program an exciting education experience for his students. Stephen received a plaque and check for $1,000 at a presentation at the Daviess County Board of Education on September 18.
State Farm Grant supports Teacher Education in Common Core ELA and Math with Economic and Financial Education
Workshops for educators being offered in spring/summer 2014.... more
Status of Economic and Personal Finance Education in Kentucky
The new 2014 Survey of the States has been published.
Eighteen states require a Personal Finance course, and 22
states require an Economics course. See where Kentucky
KCEE receives grant from Toyota for "Money Math Nights"
Math night is popular with many schools -- how about offering your school a "Money Math Night" for your elementary students and their parents!
"Money Math Nights" are a great way to teach personal finance concepts such as earning, budgeting, smart spending, and saving through math applications that parents and students can work on together! Coming in Spring 2014! DOWNLOAD THE RESOURCES HERE!
Road Elementary uses Money, Markets Moguls!
is featured on JCPS website using KCEE
program Money, Markets and Moguls program with Citi
see video
Stock Market
Game Students at Bowen Elementary
Cathy Jackson's
fifth grade class is featured using Stock Market Game in
WLKY Kentuckiana School Cribs...
see video
We've Moved! Our new address is:
AFT School of Education #319
2001 Newburg
Louisville, KY 40205
502-272-8189 (fax)

Making the Case
for Financial Literacy
by Jump$tart Coalition
Sponsors & Contributors
Citizens Union Bank
Class Act Federal Credit Union
Crowe Horwath Foundation
Hilliard Lyons
Kentucky Bankers Association
Ky. Society of CPAs
LG&E and KU Energy, LLC
Republic Bank
State Farm
Toyota Motor Mfg. - Kentucky
Bellarmine University
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis-
Louisville Branch
Ky. Dept. of Financial Institutions
Ky. Department of Education
Kentucky Jump$tart Coalition
Ky. Council for the Social Studies